Spay and Neuter Awareness
February is Spay and Neuter awareness month, and every year celebrates World Spay Day -making it the perfect time to encourage people to save animal lives by spaying and neutering their pets. Spaying and neutering helps to reduce animal overpopulation and has both health and behavior benefits for our beloved pets.
- In just three years, one not spayed female and one unneutered male can produce 512 dogs
- In seven years, one female cat and her offspring can produce 370,000 kittens
These numbers are staggering and that is why we are proud to join forces with our local animal welfare partners to spread the word about the importance of spaying and neutering your pets.
Why should I spay or neuter my pet?
Do it for their health. Besides helping over population issues, the process of spaying and neutering is actually good for your pet’s health and can help with behavior issues.
Spaying can help female cats and dogs from getting breast tumors and uterine infections. Neutering male pets can prevent some testicular problems and cancer. Spaying and neutering will help them to live longer, happier lives.
As far as behavior goes, your male dog is more likely to roam away from home in search of a mate, therefore subjecting them to the dangers of the street and wandering in to traffic. This can also prevent both male and female cats from spraying and urinating outside their liter boxes. Males urinate to mark their territory, which can be all over your things! A female in heat will also cry and yowl, accompanying more frequent urination. Although spaying and neutering your pet can bring more positive behaviors, there is no guarantee that as soon as they are spayed or neutered that all their behavior issues will be resolved.
When can I get my pet spayed or neutered?
Before the animal is four months is actually a great time to get them spayed or neutered. Cats can go into heat, and get pregnant as early as four months old. There is also an slightly higher risk for complications during spay or neuter surgery the older an animal gets.
- Puppies must be at least 2 months old and weigh at least 2 pounds
- Kittens must be at least 2 months old and weigh at least 2 pounds
- Female cats and dogs can be spayed when their young are ready to be weaned -approx. 8 weeks old
Resources available to you
All animal welfare organizations listed below provide low-cost spay and neuter services for the Northern Nevada Community. We are here to help make sure Northern Nevada pets receive the medical care they need and are here as a resource for Northern Nevada pet owners in need of low-cost health care for their pets.
Below you will find a message from each local organization highlighting the low-cost, spay and neuter resources they offer Northern Nevada community members. We are all working towards the same goal, and we are here to ensure people are able to get their pets spayed and neutered at an affordable price.
Nevada Humane Society is proud to join forces with our animal welfare partners to spread the word about the importance of spaying and neutering your pets. Pet overpopulation (specifically cat overpopulation) is a serious issue in our community and we are here as a resource to and ensure that every pet that comes into our care, gets spayed or neutered before being adopted into a happy home. Spaying and neutering is essential to controlling the pet population in our community, and it helps to improve pet’s health and behavior. You can schedule your cat’s spay/neuter appointment in Reno HERE.
The SPCA of Northern Nevada is excited to help raise awareness on the importance of spaying and neutering. Altering cats and dogs is critical to mitigate the high national rate of pet euthanasia, prevent unwanted pregnancies, and help pets live longer, healthier lives. They offer an affordable spay-neuter clinic for dogs and cats of income-qualified households in Northern Nevada. Washoe County residents are welcome to make an appointment on spcanevada.org
Washoe County Regional Animal Services has been able to establish an affordable spay/neuter program to help residents of Washoe County keep their pets healthy and happy and reduce the number of animals that come through our shelter doors. You can visit their website at washoeanimals.com to see if you qualify for their program.
Options Veterinary Care is a nonprofit, high-quality clinic serving Northern Nevada. Their mission is to keep pets and families together even when the cost of veterinary care is out of reach. Spaying and neutering is vital to creating and maintaining a healthy pet community so they make these surgeries available at affordable rates, among other services. In addition, community cats or feral cats are most effectively and humanely managed through Trap/Neuter/Return. To support these efforts, Options provides low-cost spay/neuter surgeries and vaccinations for community cats across Northern Nevada every Friday. This program is made possible by donations from the community. Visit their website to find out more information.